Ancestors of Victor Lee Fortin


4. Octave Fortin

1Death Certificate: Montana, State File # 1407, 13 Feb 1941, Montana Dept. of Health & Environmental Science, Cogswell Building, Helena, Montana 59620. "1. Place of Death: (a) County: Lincoln (b) City or town: Eureka (c) Name of hospital or institution: (Dr. Clarks) Eureka Hospital (d) Length of stay: In this community: 47 years. 2. Usual Residence of Deceased: (a) State: Montana (b) County: Lincoln (c) City or town: Trego, (rural). 3. (a) Full Name: Octave Fortin (b) If veteran name war: none (c) Social Security No.: none. 4. Sex: Male. 5. Color or race: White. 6. (a) Single, widowed, married, divorced: Widowed. 6. (b) Name of husband or wife: Lena Fortin. 6. (c) Age of husband or wife if alive - - - years. 7. Birth date of deceased: Sept. 2nd, 1859. 8. Age: Years: 81, Months: 5, Days: 6. 9. Birthplace: St Jean, Quebec, Canada. 10. Usual Occupation: Ranching. 11. Industry or business: own ranch. 12. Father's name: Venerand Fortin. 13. Father's Birthplace: Canada. 14. Mother's Maiden name: Virginie Olympe Bernier. 15. Mother's Birthplace: Canada. 16(a). Informant's own signature: O.L. Fortin. 16(b). Address: Trego, Montana. 17(a). burial 17(b). Date thereof: Feb. 11, 1941 17(c) Place: burial or cremation: Conrad Cemetery. 18(a). Signature of funeral director: Waggoner Campbell 18(b). Address: Kalispell, Montana. 19(a). Date received local registrar: Feb. 13, 1941 19(b). Registrar's signature: C. C. Long. 20. Date of death: Month: Feb., day: 8, year: 1941, hour: 5, minute: AM. 21. I hereby certify that I attended the deceased from: Jan. 31, 1941, to Feb. 8, 1941; that I last saw him alive on Feb. 7, 1941. Manner of Death: Natural. 23. Signature: Chester A. Clark, M.D., Address: Eureka, Montana, Date signed: 8 Feb 1941."

2Burial Record: C.E. Conrad Memorial Cemetery (Vol. I), Section F, Row 80-A, Grave 2, C.E. Conrad Memorial Cemetery, P.O. Box 822, Kalispell, MT 59903. "C. E. Conrad Memorial Cemetery, P.O. Box 822, Kalispell, MT 59901. Visited 21 June 1991 and photographed his headstone. Section F, Row 80-A, Grave 2."

3Collins, Gayle, Marriage Records: Flathead Co., Montata (Copyright 1997 - Flathead MTGenWeb Archives ), 28 Jul 2002. "MISCELLANEOUS MARRIAGE RECORDS, GROOMS SURNAMES A THRU F, KALISPELL, Flathead Co., MT 1890 TO 1996. "List transcribed and organized by Sharon Eddie, All rights reserved."." Online at



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