I graduated with my Master of Arts in Sustainable International Development from the SID program in the Heller School at . From June 4th thru November 19, 2001, I worked for the Fishlake National Forest, where I learned about the importance of Aspen Ecosystems in the Rocky Mountains, especially in South-central Utah, of the United States. While there, I was able to collect data that I used to write my Master's paper/thesis (see below). I had a wonderful time there, and got to meet lots of wonderful people and make some new and life-long friends.
My Masters Project, entitled Landscape Heterogeneity of Aspen Ecosystems and Their Sustainable Management for Multiple Stakeholders (7,948 KB) is available as one complete file in Adobe Acrobat (pdf). The following links are for the same paper, only broken into "bite-sized" sections.
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No piece of work happens in a vacuum. Places and people leave an indelable mark on ones work and soul. This study could not have been completed without the help of many people, and to whom this researcher is eternally grateful.
First and foremost I must recognize and thank my mentor, Robert “Bob” B. Campbell (Forest Ecologist), for his patience, guidance, enthusiasm and special attention, when forces threatened to end my work prematurely. Without him, I would never have come to this beautiful part of Utah, nor would I have come to appreciate aspen’s special place in the environment. His depth of caring for the land and desire to bridge gaps between interests and understanding will help to make this part of the planet a better place for all.
I’d like to give special recognition to the Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) crew that helped to collect the bulk of the data during their ten-day rotation with me: Lyn Christensen (Forestry Technician & YCC crew leader), B.J. Jackson, Tiffany Johns, Jordon Leaming, Tiffany Tuttle and Brandon Woodhouse. Additionally, Helena Torgerson volunteered a portion of her summer vacation to help me collect data, after the YCC crew had completed their rotation. These people were a pleasure to train and work with, learned the sampling methodology quickly, and participated with great efficiency, energy and enthusiasm.
Others that I came to know and who gave their time and knowledge include Linda Chappell (Fuels Specialist, who I owe BIG-time for compiling the handwritten cattle allotment data in the eleventh hour, and for a deep bond of friendship), Kevin Greenhaugh (Fire Planner, who found budget money to help me finish my work), Dr. Dale L. Bartos (Project Leader/Research Ecologist, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Logan, UT, who offered additional technical expertise), Dr. Wayne D. Shepperd (Research Forester, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Ft. Collins, CO, who offered his sampling method that became the basis for mine), Allen Henningson (Forester, who told me where to look for harvest information), Ron Sanden (Forester, whose excitement for my work made me feel appreciated), Wanda Bennett (Geographic Information Specialist, who was always there to help me get the data sets that I needed and to fix my stuff when I messed up) and David Bailey (Geographic Information Specialist, who digitized units that hadn't been, and who helped extract data sets). Thank you all for the data, help when I was lost/dazed/confused, and for the wonderful feelings of welcome, friendship and support. You all helped make this summer one that I will always cherish and remember fondly.
Of course, I'm grateful to my advisor Attila Klein, Prof. of Biology at Brandeis University, who has helped me to see ecology within the context of development and land management. He helped me to see that science doesn't happen in a vacuum, but that anything touched by government, by default, is influenced by human needs and ideas. He also was immensely helpful in proofing and suggesting improvements; always with a wonderfully supportive attitude.
Finally, I would not have been able to even attend Brandeis University, nor focus on my work in Utah without the loving support of my husband, Kenneth. He took responsibility for all of the financial and household needs while I was away. He supported me every step of the way, and never let me give up, when the emotional strain was almost more than I could bear. To Ken, I owe the biggest thanks for his help and sacrifice while I was away pursuing my dream.
This page last updated 2 January 2012.