Shauna Rae Brown's
Abstracts & Executive Summaries
I prepared a poster for presentation at the Conference on Fire, Fuel Treatments and Ecological Restoration: Proper Place, Appropriate Time. The abstract (The Effects of Herbivory on Quaking Aspen (Populus tremuloides) Regeneration Following Various Treatments in South-central Utah) that I submitted to the conference committee covers much of the same information that I covered in my Master's presentation, only I omitted the analysis regarding the inter-agency planning effort and focused on the impact of ungulate (elk, deer, cattle) population densities found over the study area. Then, fast on the heals of the Fire Conference, I presented/defended my Master's project on April 26th, 2002, which was the last of the program requirements to be fulfilled prior to graduation. Commencement ceremonies, which I attended, were held on May 26, 2002.
I attended another Fire Conference sponsored by the Association for Fire Ecology and the Western Section of the Wildlife Society, which was held in December 2002 in San Diego, California. I submitted another abstract (Aspen Regeneration and Ungulate Browsing in South-Central Utah), in cooperation with Robert B. Campbell, Jr. and Dale Bartos, for this conference, which I presented there.
Most recently, I had been working on a chapter regarding the Mountain-shrubs cover type. It was co-authored by Dale Bartos and it will appear in a Forest Service GTR (General Technical Report). I don't know what the book's title is, but it covers the main ecosystem types in Utah. Specifically, all chapters are to address historical range, placement on the landscape, fire and other disturbances, changes (temporal, elevational and distributional) in the cover type over the last 150 years along with their apparent causes, and then recommended appropriate treatments.
My Aspen Regeneration Monitoring Report Executive Summaries:
- Data Summary of all Sample Sites in 2003.
- 2003 Million Fire Aspen Monitoring Report Executive Summary.
- 2003 Missionary Ridge Fire Aspen Monitoring Report Executive Summary.
- 2003 Hayman Fire Aspen Monitoring Report Executive Summary.
- 2003 Battle Creek Fire Aspen Monitoring Report Executive Summary.
- 2003 Jasper Fire Aspen Monitoring Report Executive Summary.
- 2003 Sanford Fire Aspen Monitoring Report Executive Summary.
My Publications:
- Fire Ecology of Mountain Shrubs in Southern Utah by Shauna Rae Brown and Dale L. Bartos. In: Ryan, Kevin C.; Long, Donald; and Hood, Sharon, technical coordinators. [in press]. Southern Utah Fuels Management Demonstration Project. General Technical Report. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.
- Aspen Regeneration and Ungulate Browsing in South-Central Utah - poster presented by Shauna Rae Brown, Robert B. Campbell, and Dale L. Bartos (2-5 December 2002) at Fire Conference 2002: Managing Fire and Fuels in the Remaining Wildlands and Open Spaces of the Southwestern United States. San Diego, California.
- The Effects of Herbivory on Quaking Aspen (Populus tremuloides) Regeneration Following Various Treatments in South-central Utah, a poster presentation abstract. p. 448. In: Omi, Phillip N.; Joyce, Linda A.; technical editors. 2003. Fire, fuel, and ecological restoration: Conference proceedings; 2002 16-18 April; Fort Collins, CO. Proceedings RMRS-P-29. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 475 p. Abstract available online on at on page 6 of 34.
- Landscape Heterogeneity of Aspen Ecosystems and Their Sustainable Management for Multiple Stakeholders - Master's Thesis (26 April 2002).
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This page last updated 2 January 2012.